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Cryptococcosis Causes

The fungus called Cryptococcus neoformans causes cryptococcosis .

Cryptococcosis Definition

Cryptococcosis is an infection arising from the inhalation of the soil contaminated with fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. It is characterized by pulmonary infection, meningitis, viscera, pneumonia as well other organ disorders. Disorders such as AIDS and Hodgkin's disease increase the risk of acquiring cryptococcosis. In fact, it used to be a rare infection before the start of AIDS epidemic.

Cryptococcosis Diagnosis

Infections are detected in blood cultures, sputum and urine sample. In cases of crytococcal meningitis, the levels of CSF protein are elevated while mononuclear cell pleocytosis is observed, predominated by neutrophilia. The glucose levels are low, while latex test for cryptococcal capsular antigen will reveal positive results in CSF.

Cryptococcosis Symptoms and Signs

AIDS patients afflicted with Cryptococcal meningitis may not manifest symptoms. Non-AIDS patients however will experience headaches, cloudy vision, behavioral changes such as depression and confusion. Cryptococcosis affecting the lungs manifest itself with pulmonary lesions, cough as well as unspecified respiratory symptoms.

Cryptococcosis Treatment

If the immune system is still functioning, the patient with cryptococcosis in a small area of his lungs may not need treatment. Patients with weak immune system are advised to take fluconazole, Drugs used to treat people with a weakened immune system include fluconazole. For his meningitis, the patient is given amphotericin B.

Drugs used for treatment of Cryptococcosis
