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Cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous anthrax Causes

Cutaneous anthrax is caused by the bacteria called Bacillus anthracis, which is a a gram positive, spore-forming and encapsulated bacteria. It usually occurs when the bacteria or spores enter the human body through an abrasion or cut, and in which case it smwptoms will develop within the succeeding 48 hours.

Cutaneous anthrax Definition

Cutaneous anthrax was once known as a rather obscure disease is now a household name, largely owing to the media hype since it was used bioterrorism agents in the past. There are three different types of anthrax: gastronintestinal, inhalational and cutaneous. Anthrax is actually categorized as a zoonotic disease, which means, it mainly affects animals and not humans. This disease can be contracted through handling contaminated excrement from the infected animals.

Cutaneous anthrax Diagnosis

The diagnosis would usually be based on the symptoms as well ass blood tests and skin biopsy of the infected area.

Cutaneous anthrax Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms would usually start as a tiny, red and extremely itchy papule or bump that grows at the site of the infection. Within the span of two days, this bump would develop into a somewhat blister filled with fluid that would eventually rupture. The infected lesion will eventually dry up into a black scab that covers the area of the dead skin.

Cutaneous anthrax Treatment

Cutaneous anthrax, like the more fatal inhalational anthrax can be treated with antibiotics, with doxycycline or ciprofloxacin as the first line for treatment. Other recommended antibiotics are erythromycin and penicillin. Cutaneous anthrax would usually be treated for approximately 10-14 days.