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Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Dandy-Walker Syndrome Causes

The root of the condition is mostly unknown. However, generic or family occurrence has shown, and is deemed to be the outcome of numerous factors.

Dandy-Walker Syndrome Definition

Dandy-Walker syndrome is defined as a brain deformity that involves the ?cerebellum' and the fluid that fills the space surrounding it. The malformation happens before birth; thus, it's submitted as a ?congenital malformation'. The syndrome is characterized by enlargement of the brain's fourth ventricle, complete or partial absence of cerebellar vermis, and a formation of cyst near the skull's internal base. There is also increased fluid size and pressure increase in the fluid spaces around the brain.

Dandy-Walker Syndrome Diagnosis

Dandy-Walker syndrome is diagnosed through physical examination and tests, as well as analysis of history.

Dandy-Walker Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

The syndrome may develop unnoticed or appear dramatically. Symptoms that occur during early infancy include progressive skull enlargement and sluggish motor development. Older children may manifest raised intracranial pressure, for instance vomiting, irritability, convulsions, and symptoms of cerebellar dysfunction. Other symptoms include bigger head circumference, back of skull bulging, troubles with nerves responsible for eye, neck, and face control, and abnormal patterns of breathing.

Dandy-Walker Syndrome Treatment

Treatment for affected individuals usually comprise of treating the disease's related problems, if need be. The skull may be drained of excess fluid using a special tube procedure. Genetic counseling may also help the parents of affected children if they're considering more children.