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Dercum's Disease aka Adiposis dolorosa

Dercum's Disease aka Adiposis dolorosa Causes

There isn't a known cause of Dercum's disease yet, however, some researches suggest that it is genetic since it runs in some families. Other studies also suggested that the use of corticosteroids which are often use as anti-flamatory agent. Disturbance in the endocrine glands is also sighted as one cause, while another study suggests it is an autoimmune disorder, a condition wherein the body's immune system attacks normal and healthy tissues of the body.

Dercum's Disease aka Adiposis dolorosa Definition

Dercum's disease is also known as Ander's disease or Adiposis dolorosa. It is a rare chronic disease associated with multiple painful fatty tissues during adult stage and usually affects obese women.

Dercum's Disease aka Adiposis dolorosa Diagnosis

Dercum's disease is being diagnosed through a series clinical tests but there is no definite test that can be administered and accurately determine if one really have the disease. Gathering of information such as the rate of weight increase is essential to make the diagnosis as accurate as possible. Oftentimes, doctors will test you on diseases which have similar symptoms as Dercum's disease.

Dercum's Disease aka Adiposis dolorosa Symptoms and Signs

Patients with Dercum's disease complain of painful swellings of fatty tumor tissues or lipomas which last for three months at the least. Other parts of the body swells for no reason and sometimes leaves the fingers numb. Bones on the wrist, hips, elbow, legs, arms, and the tailbone becomes painful. Skin becomes tender and more prone to allergies and patients find it difficult to wear tight clothing or taking a bath. General fatigue, difficulties in sleeping, patients feel very hot and have the tendency to turn black or blue. Some will have poor memory and experience combined tension headaches and classic migraine.

Dercum's Disease aka Adiposis dolorosa Treatment

There is no known cure for this disease at present and most treatments applied are focused on a specific symptom at a time so it doesn't really treat the disease as a whole condition. Options, however, can include reduction of weight and lately liposuction is administered. Lipomas are also taken out through surgery and some medications are given to reduce or control pain.

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