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Developmental Delay

Developmental Delay Causes

Developmental delay is a result of brain injuries or trauma either during a mother's pregnancy or during the child's first months of life.

Developmental Delay Definition

Developmental delay is a disorder in which a child goes through an abnormally slower process of development than expected. His mental and physical skills develop very slowly. This condition is also called cerebral palsy.

Developmental Delay Diagnosis

The disease can be diagnosed by physical examination and strict monitoring of the symptoms.

Developmental Delay Symptoms and Signs

Children with cerebral palsy have slower pacing in learning how to use their physical abilities, and milestone stages such as standing, sitting and walking take a long process. So goes with their ability to communicate verbally.

Developmental Delay Treatment

There is no specific treatment for cerebral palsy. Special education programs as well as constant parental care are required to help the child develop his psychomotor skills.