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Devic syndrome

Devic syndrome Causes

The cause of this disease is speculated to be an autoimmune etiology, but as of now there is still no identifided exact cause.

Devic syndrome Definition

Devic syndrome is an autoimmune disease that attacks the protein of the central nervous system which is called aquaporin. This is a condition in which the fatty covering of the spinal cord is destroyed and the nerves in the eyes are affected causing sight loss and pain. A form of multi sclerosis that is rare and is rapid and severe. Patients having this disease will experience paralysis at different degrees.

Devic syndrome Diagnosis

Certain criteria for diagnosis of this disease have been developed, it requires two absolute criteria and supportive criteria. Optic neuritis and acute myelitis are the absolute criteria while brian MRI, spinal cord MRI and NMO-IgG seropositive status.

Devic syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms include pain in the eyes, and certain degrees of weakness and paralysis. Patients will also loose sensations and will have bowel and/or bladder dysfunction. Color blindness can also be associated with this disease. Other symptoms are optic neuritis and weakening of the legs which may also include the arms.

Devic syndrome Treatment

Generally, treatments used are supportive and symptomatic in approach although corticosteroids are sometimes prescribed.