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Dropsy Causes

Edemas are caused by pressures between the tissues. Pressure of fluids outside the body tissues cause an imbalance of the inflow and outflow of fluids, and the area where the fluids become concentrated forms an edema.

Dropsy Definition

Dropsy refers to the inflammation of the tissues due to accumulation of excess fluids. This condition is more popularly known as edema.

Dropsy Diagnosis

Edemas are detected by radiography, CT scans and MRI.

Dropsy Symptoms and Signs

Depending on where the edema is situated, patients with the condition suffer from recurring pain in the affected areas, migraine and swelling of the organ or tissue where the water accumulated. In some cases, the disease can be fatal.

Dropsy Treatment

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat the swelling of the affected tissues. In some cases surgical treatment is needed to remove the fluids that cause the swelling.