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Dysbarism Causes

The primary casue of this condition is mainly due to the rapid change in altitude the provides a serious impact of the normal functions of the body. In mild cases, the symptoms are not debilitating such as mild dizziness but it is also known to cause paralysis and stroke.

Dysbarism Definition

Refers to a medical condition that is often a result from the series of changes in environment's pressure. There are various strenuous activities that are associated with pressure changes such as scuba diving, which is said to be the most frequently cited example, but pressure changes would also affect people who are working in pressurized environments such as the line workers that are assigned in the decompression areas along with people who move between different altitudes like in mountain climbing.

Dysbarism Symptoms and Signs

Affected people could possibly suffer stroke or paralysis, or even numbness down one side of the body. This can also lead to heart attack or pulmonary embolism. Shortness in breath and chest pain are initial symptoms.