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Dyslexia Causes

Dyslexia is thought to be caused by malfunction in certain sections of the brain that is responsible for language and tend to run in families. It has been discovered that there are several genes that contribute to the risk of developing dyslexia.

Dyslexia Definition

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that primarily involves reading and writing characterized by trouble in word-sounds processing and difficulty in short-term verbal memory; evidences are visible in spoken and written language. The condition is an impairment of the ability of the brain to translate written images received by the eyes into meaningful language.

Dyslexia Diagnosis

Vision, hearing, and neurological evaluations can help determine if there is an underlying disorder or cause for the child's poor reading skills. Psychological assessment if there is any social problem or anxiety causing limitations in the child's ability. Educational tests evaluated and analyzed by an expert is helpful to measure the reading ability of a child in the aim to diagnose dyslexia.

Dyslexia Symptoms and Signs

Difficulty in analyzing spoken and written words, short-term memory impairment, difficulty in sequencing and organization of thoughts or words that have been heard, remarkable weakness in spelling and decoding words, and reversal of letters like ?b? instead of ?d? and words (was instead of saw) are common in dyslexic individuals.

Dyslexia Treatment

Treatment for dyslexia is by means of remedial education, which must consist of techniques involving hearing and vision to improve reading skills; known as multisensory method of teaching.