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Dyslexia In Children

Dyslexia In Children Causes

This learning problem doesn't have anything to do with intellectual quotients, since dyslexia is caused by the differences of interactions in the areas of the brain that deal with language.

Dyslexia In Children Definition

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects children in various ways. The major areas covered by dyslexia are reading, spelling and writing problems.

Dyslexia In Children Diagnosis

Dyslexia can be observed by monitoring the child's learning development during his early years.

Dyslexia In Children Symptoms and Signs

Children who exhibit dyslexia show symptoms such as trouble in sequencing things and events, learning how to read and write, recognize letters and numbers, and as well show indifference to the lessons taught inside the classroom.

Dyslexia In Children Treatment

Treatment for dyslexia can be done by constant family support combined with focused, special education classes.