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Enteric Fever

Enteric Fever Causes

It is caused by Salmonella typhi which is a virulent bacterium which can be transmitted through infected water and foods or direct contact with infected individuals.

Enteric Fever Definition

Enteric Fever It is commonly known as typhoid fever which is an uncommon illness in the developed countries but it is a serious illness in developing countries. Typhoid fever is transmitted through contaminated water and food or through direct contact with an infected individual.

Enteric Fever Diagnosis

The doctor will do a medical and travel history review, will perform blood or fluid or tissue culture to check for the presence of the bacteria, antibody and antigen testing which are Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or Fluorescent antibody test is also done

Enteric Fever Symptoms and Signs

The usual symptoms during the first stage are high fever, headache, abdominal pain, sore throat, weakness and anxiety, rash and constipation or diarrhea. During the second stage, continuing fever, diarrhea that has a pea-soup consistency or serious constipation, weight loss, extremely swollen abdomen. By the later stage patient is delirious, lies motionless and exhausted.

Enteric Fever Treatment

Antibiotic therapy is the most effective treatment for typhoid fever together with supportive therapy such as drinking fluids to prevent dehydration and eating healthy diet like non-bulky, high-calorie meals to replace nutrient loss.