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Eosinophilic fasciitis

Eosinophilic fasciitis Causes

The known cause of eosinophilic fasciitis is still unknown. Patients with this condition usually have a build up of white blood cells or eosinophils, in the fascia and muscles which is affected. Eosinophils are also associated to allergic-type reactions but the specific function of these cells is also unknown. This syndrome is very common in people between the ages 30 to 60. In rare cases, it is manifested to be triggered by a strenuous activity of the body.

Eosinophilic fasciitis Definition

Eosinophilic fasciitis also called EF, is a form of a fascia inflamation. It is different from scleroderma because most of the time the area affected is the fascia and not the dermis as in the case of scleroderma. Also, not like scleroderma when the patients manifests the Raynaud's phenomenon and the telangiectasia, patients are not observed to have those manifestations. This disease is more commonly observed in men and less likely in women. Some cases have also been reported to have occured after a strenuous exercise

Eosinophilic fasciitis Diagnosis

To diagnose this condition, different tests are being applied like tests to determine the rate of Erythrocyte sedimentation, Blood tests aimed to check for gamma globulins which is a type of cell in the immune system, and also eosinophils, muscle biopsy, and skin biopsy

Eosinophilic fasciitis Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of this condition includes swelling of the fascia and skin associated with other symptoms like puckering and also swelling of the skin from the arms to the legs which may look really bumpy like that of an orange's skin, aching or pain in the arms and the legs accompanied with arthritis involving the hands and also the wrists, restriction or limittedness of movement of the wrist, ankles, the hands, elbows, and the shoulders There are even times that it reaches the point where patienst can't anymore move.

Eosinophilic fasciitis Treatment

Common treatments for Eosinophilic fasciitis include the administration of corticosteroid drugs like prednisone. Other medication alternatives like the hydroxychloroquine have also been found to be effective.