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Epidermoid carcinoma

Epidermoid carcinoma Causes

Epidermoid carcicoma occur when mtutations triggered by the genes occur in a normal cell. As a result, the abnormality in the cell occurs and often manifests in the shape and behavior of the cell. The abnormal cell then endlessly reproduces. These abnormal cells usually form a tumor when not removed surgically will invade the neighboring vessels and lymphatic nodes and eventually spreads to other nearby sites. The cancer can then be spread to different locations throughout the body.

Epidermoid carcinoma Definition

Epidermoid carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma is a form of carcinoma type cancer which may occur in different numerous organs which includes the urinary bladder, skin, mouth, lips, esophagus, prostate, lungs, vagina, and also the cervix. It is often a malignant tumor of the squamous epithelium or the epithelium that presents squamous cell differentiation.

Epidermoid carcinoma Diagnosis

Diagnostic procedures are being done to detect the existence of the cell. It includes staining using toluidine blue, and a complete examination of the head and neck. Physicians also perform a routinary hematologic examination. Imaging studies using CT scans also prove helpful to evaluate the extent ot the tumor in terms of growth and involvement of the nodes.

Epidermoid carcinoma Symptoms and Signs

Patients inhibiting symptoms of Epidermoid carcinoma manifests scaly lesions in the different parts of the body like urinary bladder, skin, mouth, lips, esophagus, prostate, lungs, vagina, and also the cervix.

Epidermoid carcinoma Treatment

There are several methods used for the treatment of Epidermoid carcinoma of the head and the neck. It usually includes chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, and any combinations of these different therapies. There are also new treatments aimed to investigate the condition and it includes immunotherapy and therapy involving the genes. There are also factors that may influence what choice of treatment to administer for the patient. These are the stage, the site, and the grade of the primary tumor. The age of the patient, and his/her general medical condition also affects the decision.