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Epstein barr virus mononucleosis

Epstein barr virus mononucleosis Causes

Epstein barr virus monocleosis is occurs because of the Epstein-Barr virus infecting the B cells or the B-lymphocytes. The infection then produces atypical T cells or T-lymphocytes and a reactive lymphocytosis, which is commonly known as Downey bodies.

Epstein barr virus mononucleosis Definition

Epstein barr virus mononucleosis is also known as infectious mononucleosis. It is also known by other terms like the kissing disease or the Pfeiffer's disease. It is also most commonly called as glandular fever. This condition occurs most frequently in young adolescents and at times to young adults. Infectious Mononucleosis or kissing fever entails only very mild illness in small children, and usually asymptomatic.

Epstein barr virus mononucleosis Diagnosis

Proper diagnosis of the disorder will entail different procedures a monospot test, eistein bar virus antigen by immunoflourescence, epstein barr virus antibody, complete blood count, and liver fucntion test.

Epstein barr virus mononucleosis Symptoms and Signs

This condition is often presented by soreness of the muscle,a fever, sore throat, and stress or fatigue. In some cases, patients may also manifest different symptoms such as enlargement of the spleen, abdominal pain, muscle aches, headache, loss of appetite, a feeling of depression,skin rashes, diarrhea, dizziness or being disoriented, nncontrollable shaking sometimes, difficulties swallowing because of an enlarged tonsils, dry cough, and Supra-orbital oedema.

Epstein barr virus mononucleosis Treatment

Treatments of this condition may include medications to control symtoms like acetaminophen or paracetamol, valacyclovir, and non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs,