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Erythema Nodosum

Erythema Nodosum Causes

Erythema nodosum may happen in connection to another condition or by itself. Conditions related to the disorder include fungal diseases, cat scratch disease, sarcoidosis, strep throat, Behcel's disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, normal pregnancy, and some medications like estrogens and birth-control pills.

Erythema Nodosum Definition

Erythema nodosum is a kind of ?skin inflammation', found in a specific part of the skin's fatty layer. The disorder results in painful, tender, reddish lumps that's most commonly found in front of one's legs on the lower part of the knees. These lumps vary in dimension, from one to five centimeters. The lumps can also occur for several weeks or months, and eventually go away.

Erythema Nodosum Diagnosis

Generally, the condition requires simple diagnosis through examination of patient and its symptoms, without the need for further investigative tests.

Erythema Nodosum Symptoms and Signs

The characterized red and tender nodules of the disorder typically appear on one's shins. These nodules can be one or more, reddened and painful, found on the lower leg's anterior surface, seldom found on one's arm or trunk, can feel warm when touched, and not ulcerated. Accompanying symptoms of erythema nodosum include joint aches, fever, general ill feeling, leg swelling or swelling on affected area, and skin irritation, inflammation, or redness.

Erythema Nodosum Treatment

The condition is managed through recognizing and treating the presence of any causal condition. Concurrently, treatment is focused toward the reddened skin. Treatments include anti-inflammatory medications, and colchicine is at times used to effectively reduce swelling.