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Esophageal neoplasm

Esophageal neoplasm Causes

This condition can be enherited by a person from a line of relatives with similar condition.

Esophageal neoplasm Definition

Esophageal neoplasm or esophageal cancer is a malignant condition of the esophagus. It refers to various other subtypes. Often, esophageal tumors usually lead to dysphagia or a patient's difficulty in swallowing, pain associated with other symptoms. These are often diagnosed via biopsy.

Esophageal neoplasm Diagnosis

Diagnosis of esophageal tumors can be done using clinical evaluation of the tumor and by a histopathology.

Esophageal neoplasm Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms manifested by patients with esophageal neoplasm often include dysplasia or a state of being unable to swallow. It may also include odynophagia, substancial loss of weight because of very poor nutrition, pain, husky voice, raspy voice, nausea, vomitting, and coughing.

Esophageal neoplasm Treatment

Small or localized Esophageal tumors are often treated via surgical intervention with the intention to cure while larger esophageal tumors are not to be operated at so it cannot be cured although growth of the tumors can be delayed through constant therapies like chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Or it can be through a combination of the both therapies. There are even instances when a large tumor can become operable through the help of the radio and chemo therapy.