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essential thrombocytosis

essential thrombocytosis Causes

This disease is idiopathic or it has unknown cause, but some physician reported that essential thrombocytosis is a genetic disorder.

essential thrombocytosis Definition

Essential thrombocytosis (ET) also known as essential thrombocythemia refers to overproduction of platelets in the bone marrow . In some cases this disorder is progressive, it means this disease get worst.

essential thrombocytosis Diagnosis

To diagnose essential thrombocytosis,A complete blood count is done to determine the changes of platelet count and hematocrit count. Biopsy of the bone marrow is the most liable test to determine the disorder. DNA test also identify the presence of disease.

essential thrombocytosis Symptoms and Signs

The common manifestations of essential thrombocytosis are bleeding and thrombosis (blood clot). Include also nosebleeds, bleeding of the gums and gastrointestinal tract, throbbing and burning pain of the hands and feet due to arterial obstruction of blood clot and another manifestation is enlargement of spleen.

essential thrombocytosis Treatment

Patient does not require treatment but those who are high risk of thrombosis and bleeding requires immediate care. For high platelet count, it can be reduce through using of hydroxyurea (also known as hydroxycarbamide), interferon-a or anagrelide as a superior treatment it has low risk of thrombosis. Low-dose aspirin is given as an initial treatment also help to reduce platelet count. In giving this medication, it is important to monitor for increased bleeding. Another procedure done is platelet apheresis to remove platelet directly from the blood.