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Excessive Sweating

Excessive Sweating Causes

Hyperhidrosis is caused by the stimulus sent to by the brain and triggered to the different parts of the body such as the head, armpits, hands and feet.

Excessive Sweating Definition

Excessive sweat, or hyperhidrosis, is the excessive release of perspiration. It is the kind of sweating not caused by strenuous activities but can be due to genetic defects. It usually triggers the hands, underarms and feet.

Excessive Sweating Diagnosis

The disorder can be diagnosed based on the symptoms given by the patient.

Excessive Sweating Symptoms and Signs

Hyperhydrosis is presented by the frequent and excessive sweating of hands and feet as well as underarms. This sweating occurs whenever changes in environment and emotional stress arise.

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Hyperhidrosis can be treated by topical an electrochemical therapies, as well as local injection of neuromuscular blockers.