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Exophthalmos Causes

Exopthalmus has different causes, Graves disease is the most common cause, tumor inside the eyes, eye trauma and swelling can also cause exopthalmus due to increase pressure inside the eyes.

Exophthalmos Definition

Exophthalmos is referring to as a bulging of the eye out of the orbit bone. There are two types of exopthalmus, its either bilateral, it is often seen in Graves' Disease or unilateral cause by an orbital tumor.

Exophthalmos Diagnosis

Exopthalmus is identify thru the Measurement of the degree of exophthalmos is done by using an exophthalmometer.

Exophthalmos Symptoms and Signs

It is characterized by bulging of an eye more than 18 mm, that it's almost going out of the orbit bone. The patient is unable to close his or her eyes, can cause dryness of the cornea. Displacement of the eyes can lead to blindness due to optic nerve and ophthalmic arteries compression.

Exophthalmos Treatment

The treatment of this disease is depending on the cause. commonly prevent inflammation helps minimize exopthalmus. Closing the eyes with plaster help prevents dryness of cornea and its complication.