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Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Causes

XDR TB is caused by improper anti-TB treatment via irregular intake of TB medications, recurring tuberculosis, as well as having contact with someone who has XDR-TB.

Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Definition

Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB) is a rare type of tuberculosis that is resistant to almost every kind of anti-TB medication, including rifampin and isonazid. XDR TB also doesn't respond to second-line medications such as fluoroquinolones.

Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Diagnosis

XDR-TB can be diagnosed based on the symptoms seen on the patient.

Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms of XDR-TB include lethargy, weight loss, night sweats and fever. Other common symptoms for TB are also present such as coughing up blood and chest pain.

Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment

XDR-TB can be treated by the use of rare, special medications, but it can also be prevented by taking the vaccine called Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG). It is a vaccine used to prevent TB among children.