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Fever Blister

Fever Blister Causes

Herpes labialis is a very common disease caused by infection of the mouth area with herpes simplex virus, most often type 1. by the age of 20, most Americans are infected with the type 1 virus.

Fever Blister Definition

Fever blisters or cold sores are the small and usually painful bumps or lesions on the skin of the lips, mouth, gum, or the lip area. These blisters occur when a person has Herpes labialis, an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus.

Fever Blister Diagnosis

The appearance or culture of the lesion can be the basis of diagnosis. Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck or groin may also be revealed during the examination. In order to reveal the herpes simplex virus, a viral culture or Tzanck test may be performed.

Fever Blister Symptoms and Signs

Itching, burning, increased sensitivity, or a tingling sensation may be experienced 2 days before lesions start to appear. The skin lesions usually appear around the lips, mouth, and gums. Small blisters or vesicles filled with yellowish fluid would also appear. Mild fever may also be experienced.

Fever Blister Treatment

Fever blisters usually clear up within 7 to 10 days without treatment. Relieving symptoms may be done using topical symptomatic treatments such as topical lidocaine or benzyl alcohol. Applying antiviral medication early on may modestly shorten the duration of cold sores and decrease the pain.