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Froelich's Syndrome

Froelich's Syndrome Causes

Froelich's syndrome is said to result from damage towards the hypothalamus. Tumors in the hypothalamus may cause an increase in appetite and a decreased gonadotropin secretion.

Froelich's Syndrome Definition

Froelich's syndrome is an acquired medical condition involving endocrine abnormalities especially in the hypothalamus. Often associated with tumors in the hypothalamus, this syndrome commonly affects males only. It usually manifests during childhood, especially during puberty with occasional reports during the postadolescent period. Froelich's syndrome is also known by other synonyms such as Adiposogenital Dystrophy, Babinski-Froelich Syndrome, Dystrophia Adiposogenitalis, Frolich's Syndrome, Hypothalamic Infantilism-Obesity, Launois-Cleret Syndrome, and Sexual Infantilism.

Froelich's Syndrome Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made by observing the presenting symptoms of the individual. Diagnostic evaluations of endocrine and hypothalamic functions are also crucial in ruling out the disease. The syndrome should also be differentiated from its genetic counterparts.

Froelich's Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms manifested in Froelich's syndrome include feminine obesity, growth retardation, retarded sexual development, hypoplasia or atrophy of the gonads, altered secondary sex characteristics, headaches, mental retardation, vision problems, polyuria, and polydipsia. Children who are already obese may appear like they have the disorder but these do not have any endocrine abnormalities. These obese children often mature quite normally after a delayed puberty.

Froelich's Syndrome Treatment

It is important to distinguish those who have acquired Froelich's syndrome from those teenage males who have an inherited growth delay disturbances or those with Prader Willi syndrome.

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