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Frontal Lobe Seizures

Frontal Lobe Seizures Causes

Frontal lobe seizures can result from abnormalities in the frontal lobes such as tumors, vascular malformations or traumatic injuries. In most cases though, the cause of frontal lobe epilepsy remains unknown.

Frontal Lobe Seizures Definition

The second most common type of epilepsy after temporal lobe epilepsy, Frontal lobe seizures is similar to temporal lobe epilepsy because it is a type of focal seizure, which means that the seizure starts in a focal area of the brain, commonly referred to as the focus. Frontal lobe epilepsy means that the focus is located in the frontal lobe.

Frontal Lobe Seizures Diagnosis

A detailed description of the signs and symptoms and performing a physical examination are often enough for doctors to diagnose seizure disorders. In frontal lobe epilepsy however, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalograms (EEGs) are often performed.

Frontal Lobe Seizures Symptoms and Signs

Commonly noted characteristics of Frontal lobe seizures are frequent seizures, clustering of seizures, falling that are caused by seizures that begin in one area of the brain and rapidly spreading into the other parts, minimal or no confusion after the seizure, and variable in causing consciousness. Depending on the origin of the seizures, symptoms such as head and eye deviation to one side, complete or partial unresponsiveness, explosive vocalizations, abnormal body posturing, and behavioral automatisms may be experienced.

Frontal Lobe Seizures Treatment

Most anti-seizure drugs seem to work well at controlling frontal lobe seizures. However, not everyone becomes seizure-free on medication, in which doctors may recommend surgery to remove the small portion of the brain that produces the seizures.