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Glioblastoma Causes

The main cause of glioblastoma is unknown, although some risk factors have been associated with the condition. Research has shown that certain associated gene variants for a decreased risk in asthma may increase the risk of glioblastoma.

Glioblastoma Definition

Glioblastoma is a variety of central nervous system tumors, caused by glial cells. The brain is the most commonly affected area; however, the tumor can also occur in any other part of the central nervous system.

Glioblastoma Diagnosis

Certain tests and procedures that help doctors diagnose the condition consists of CT scans, EEG, examination of the cerebral spinal fluid, examining the tissue obtained from the tumor during surgery, and MRI of the head.

Glioblastoma Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms vary according to the location in the central nervous system. Symptoms of brain gliomas are nausea, vomiting, headaches, cranial nerve disorders and seizures. Visual loss is the main symptom of optic nerve gliomas. Symptoms of spinal cord gliomas include numbness, pain, or weakness in any of the extremities.

Glioblastoma Treatment

Although treatment depends on the location of the glioblastoma in the brain and its severity, it usually includes a combination of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy. Radiation and surgery, on the other hand, is effective in treating spinal cord tumors. Treatment may also make use of medication, and the most effective known medication today is Temolozomide.