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Gray platelet syndrome

Gray platelet syndrome Definition

Gray platelet syndrome, also known as Alpha Granule Deficiency, is a rare congenital disorder characterized by large and gray platelets on light microscopy. The gray color is caused by an absence of alpha-granules in blood platelets.

Gray platelet syndrome Diagnosis

A differential diagnosis for gray platelet syndrome includes rare thrombocytopathies accompanied by large platelets. These include Bernard Soulier syndrome, Fechtner syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, May-Heggin anomaly, and Epstein syndrome. Examinations analyzing bleeding time and alpha granule proteins are also conducted. Blood films and clotting screens are used. Immunological methods and Western blots are used to confirm the diagnosis.

Gray platelet syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of gray platelet syndrome include nosebleeds, easy bruising, prolonged bleeding, and menorrhagia. If an individual has family history of mild bleeding tendency after injury or surgery, this increases his risk factors for acquiring the disorder.

Gray platelet syndrome Treatment

There is no curative treatment for gray platelet syndrome although it can be managed. Patients must avoid medications that impair functioning of platelets such as aspirin. Platelet transfusions are commonly conducted provided there is use of desmopressin, a medication that helps improve bleeding time.