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Hemiplegia Causes

Hemiplegia may be congenital meaning it occurred before or during birth. It may also be result from a stroke (Patten C, Lexell J, Brown HE. Weakness and strength training in persons with poststroke hemiplegia: Rationale, method, and efficacy. J Rehab Res Dev 2004;41:293-312).

Hemiplegia Definition

Hemiplegia is a medical condition where there is paralysis of the other half of the patient's body. This is in contrast to hemiparesis where the other half of the body is just merely weakened but not paralyzed.

Hemiplegia Diagnosis

The medical condition may be diagnosed through examination of medical history and physical examination of the patient. It may also de confirm through blood tests, cranial CT Scan and Crannial MRI, and through Electrocephalogram or EEG.

Hemiplegia Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms include recurrent but temporary episodes of paralysis on one side of the body. The paralysis may be on the eye movement, limbs or facial muscles.

Hemiplegia Treatment

Treatment includes administration of flunarizine to reduce the severity and duration of attacks of paralysis.