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Hemoglobinopathy Causes

Hemoglobinopathy is a medical condition which results from the unusual genetic variation which causes the production of hemoglobin with different structures and by the unusually low or reduced amount of normal hemoglobin production of the body.

Hemoglobinopathy Definition

Hemoglobinopathy is a type of genetic defect that results from abnormal and not well defined structure of the globin chains of the hemoglobin molecule in the body. It usually includes sickle Disease and Thalassemia.

Hemoglobinopathy Diagnosis

Hemoglobinopathy Screening is used to confirm the presence or absence of the medical condition (Schmidt, R.M., and Brosious, E.M. 1976. Basic Laboratory Methods of Hemoglobinopathy Detection.)

Hemoglobinopathy Symptoms and Signs

The common Symptoms of hemoglobinopathy include acute anemia and even hemolytic anemia.

Hemoglobinopathy Treatment

Ongoing treatment and monitoring of the production of hemoglobin in the body is used to treat the medical condition or at least to minimize the risk of infection and painful episodes.