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Horner's syndrome

Horner's syndrome Causes

Horner's syndrome is usually acquired but may also be inborn or caused by medical treatment. Although most causes are relatively harmless, Horner's syndrome may reflect serious pathology in the neck or chest (such as a Pancoast tumor or thyrocervical venous dilatation) and hence requires workup.

Horner's syndrome Definition

Horner's syndrome is a clinical syndrome resulting from damage to the sympathetic nervous system. It is also known as Bernard-Horner syndrome or oculosympathetic palsy.

Horner's syndrome Diagnosis

Horner's syndrome may be diagnosed with the following: Cocaine drop test, paredrine test, and dilation lag test. It is important to differentiate the ptosis caused by Horner's syndrome from the ptosis caused by a lesion to the oculomotor nerve.

Horner's syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Signs found in all patients on affected side of face include dilation lag, ptosis (drooping upper eyelid from loss of sympathetic innervation to the M?ller muscle), upside-down ptosis (slight elevation of the lower lid), and miosis (constricted pupil). Enophthalmos (the impression that the eye is sunk in) and anhidrosis reduced sweating) on the affected side of the face, loss of ciliospinal reflex and blood shot conjunctiva may occur depending on the site of lesion.

Horner's syndrome Treatment

It is not needed to treat Horner's syndrome. The syndrome is painless and does not interfere with vision.

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