Howel-Evans syndrome
Howel-Evans syndrome Causes
Hereditary keratoderma runs in families and is passed down or from one or both parent(s) to their children while acquired keratoderma is not inherited and occurs as a result of a change in the health or the environment of the affected person
Howel-Evans syndrome Definition
Howel-Evans syndrome is a very rare condition in which the skin of the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet, are affected (hyperkeratosis). The effects on the palms and soles is called tylosis, and in Howel-Evans syndrome, there is a high risk for oesophageal cancer, particularly squamous cell carcinoma.
Howel-Evans syndrome Symptoms and Signs
Some symptoms of Howel-Evans syndrome include hyperkeratosis of palms, hyperkeratosis of the soles of the feet, and esophageal cancer.
Howel-Evans syndrome Treatment
The skin is treated with a keratolytic (such as salicylic acid) to dissolve the excess skin, and systemic treatment with retinoids (derivatives of Vitamin A) may be administered.