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Hyperaldosteronism Causes

Hyperaldosteronism most commonly results in the invasion of high levels of adenoma. The terms ?primary? and ?secondary? are often used to describe the level and/or type of abnormality in Hyperaldosteronism. Primary Hyperaldosteronism is the condition wherein the defect is caused directly by the gland that generates aldosterone. In contrast, secondary Hyperaldosteronism indirectly results through a predictable physiological pathway. For example, a tumor that produces rennin may increase aldosterone levels. This is because rennin levels normally regulate the aldosterone production in the body.

Hyperaldosteronism Definition

Hyperaldosteronism, also commonly known as aldosteronism, is a disorder in which the adrenal glands produce abnormally high levels of aldosterone, which can lead to decreased levels of potassium in the blood.

Hyperaldosteronism Diagnosis

Hyperaldosteronism can be diagnosed through screen tests. If patients suspected of Hyperaldosteronism are in some form of medication for high blood pressure, it's imperative for physicians to order that these drugs be stopped for a duration prior to the tests. Blood and urine may be screened to check aldosterone and potassium levels as well as rennin activity. In addition, a CT scan may be done to detect any underlying tumors.

Hyperaldosteronism Symptoms and Signs

Hyperaldosteronism may be asymptomatic; i.e. patients may not demonstrate any signs or symptoms of this defect. However, in most known cases, the following can occur: fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, intermittent or temporary paralysis, hypokalemia, muscle spasms and weakness, numbness, polydipsia, polyuria, and tingling sensation, among others.

Hyperaldosteronism Treatment

Upon diagnosis, the physician must check the adrenal glands to determine the presence of any possible adenomas. Medical or surgical treatment may vary according to the number of tumors found. Treatment or removal of the tumors will alleviate high blood pressure in most patients. To control high blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs such as calcium channel blockers may be prescribed. Additionally, diuretics can be taken to abate hypertension. The most common medication prescribed for Hyperaldosterism patients is spironolactone, which helps manage aldosterone levels but has several possible side effects depending on the amount of dosage.

Drugs used for treatment of Hyperaldosteronism
