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Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Causes

A primary cause of wisdom tooth impaction is simply that there is not enough jawbone space behind the person's second molar. Why this lack of space exists is not fully understood nor known, however there does seem to be a correlation between large tooth size, tooth crowding, and the presence of impacted wisdom teeth.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Definition

In dental terminology an "impacted" tooth refers to a tooth that has not been able to emerge fully into its expected position. This failure to erupt properly might occur since there is not enough room in the person's jaw to accommodate the tooth, or because the angulation of the tooth is improper.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Diagnosis

A dentist can evaluate the teeth and mouth to determine if there are impacted wisdom teeth or if another condition is causing the problems. Such evaluations typically include: a dental and medical history, dental exam, and dental x-rays.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Symptoms and Signs

Common signs and symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include: pain or tenderness around the gums; swelling around the jaw; red or swollen gums around the impacted tooth; jaw pain; bad breath; unpleasant taste when biting down or near the area; and prolonged headache or jaw ache.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Treatment

Impacted wisdom teeth don't always need to be surgically taken out. There are two main treatment options, depending on the severity of the situation and other factors. They are conservative treatment and surgical extraction.