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Kawasaki Syndrome

Kawasaki Syndrome Causes

Kawasaki syndrome is an idiopathic syndrome.

Kawasaki Syndrome Definition

Kawasaki Syndrome is a medical condition with unknown cause that results in inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels (vasculitis) and primarily affects young children.

Kawasaki Syndrome Diagnosis

The only way to diagnose Kawasaki syndrome is through the aid of the five diagnostic criteria combined with fever, no particular laboratory test can identify the presence of this syndrome. The diagnostic criteria are cracking of the lips; rash on the trunk; swollen hands or feet; red eyes and swollen lymph node in the neck .

Kawasaki Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

On the onset Kawasaki syndrome is marked with very high grade fever that never go down even with normal paracetamol, or ibuprofen doses. The fever may last for two weeks. Other symptoms include the following: * Irritability * Red cracked lips * Iritis * Keratic precipitates ( usually distinguished by an ophthalmologist using his device) * Red mucus lining in the mouth * Skin rashes that are non-blister in appearance * Swollen lymph nodes * Peeling of the skin in the hands, feet, and genital area (desquamation) * Red eyes (conjunctivitis) no pus or drainage * White coating on the tongue ( strawberry tongue) with red bumps on the back section of the tongue * Red palms and soles of the feet * Swollen hands and feet * Joint swelling and pain * Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)

Kawasaki Syndrome Treatment

Once diagnosis of Kawasaki syndrome is established, the patient should be under hospital care. This is essential to prevent coronary artery damages. The standard treatment for Kawasaki syndrome is Intravenous Immunoglobulin within the first 7 days to avoid coronary artery aneurysm. Salicylate (aspirin) therapy and corticosteroids are also part of the treatment.