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Kleptomania Causes

The cause of kleptomania is unknown, although it may have a genetic component and may be transmitted among first-degree relatives. There seems to be a strong propensity for kleptomania to coexist with obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, and clinical depression.

Kleptomania Definition

Kleptomania is an inability or great difficulty in resisting impulses of stealing. Kleptomania is recognized from shoplifting or ordinary theft, as shoplifters and thieves generally steal for monetary value, or associated gains and usually display intent or premeditation, while people with kleptomania are not necessarily contemplating the value of the items they steal or even the theft until they are compelled.

Kleptomania Diagnosis

Recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal objects that are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value, Increasing sense of tension immediately before committing the theft, Pleasure, gratification, or relief at the time of committing the theft. The stealing is not committed to express anger or revenge and is not in response to a delusion or as hallucination

Kleptomania Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of kleptomania may include: Powerful urges to steal items that you don't need. Feeling increase of tension leading up to the theft. Feeling of pleasure or gratification while stealing. Feeling terrible guilt or shame after the theft

Kleptomania Treatment

Kleptomania has several different treatments: Cognitive-behavioral therapy is adviced as an adjuvant to medication. There are some medications that are used for people diagnosed with kleptomania are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, mood stabilizers and opioid antagonists. The only open-trial of medication for kleptomania showed naltrexone significantly reduced the intensity of urges to steal, stealing thoughts and stealing behavior