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Kocher-Debr-Semlaigne syndrome

Kocher-Debr-Semlaigne syndrome Causes

Most cases of Kocher-Debr? Sem?laigne is rooted on hypothyroidism; a disorder caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.

Kocher-Debr-Semlaigne syndrome Definition

Kocher-Debr-Semlaigne syndrome is a rare disease. It is a disease of the bone muscles that are products of any nerve disorders. It is a myopathy of hypothyroidism (a medical condition marked by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. The name of the syndrome is derived from the names of Emil Theodor Kocher, Robert Debr?, and Georges Sem?laigne. This syndrome are referred with other names including: Debr Semlaigne syndrome, myxoedema-myotonic dystrophy syndrome, myxoedema-muscular hypertrophy syndrome, myopathy-myxoedema syndrome, cretinism-muscular hypertrophy, hypothyroidism-large muscle syndrome, hypothyroid myopathy, infantile, myxoedema-muscular hypertrophy, hypothyreotic muscular hypertrophy in children,

Kocher-Debr-Semlaigne syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Persons who are suffering from Kocher-Debr Semlaigne syndrome have one or more of the following symptoms: * Muscular hypertrophy ( increase in bulk) in the lower extremity * Widespread muscular hypertrophy * Skin and tissue disorder due to severe long-drawn-out hypothyroidism (myxoedema) * Severely underdeveloped physical and mental growth (cretinism) * Short stature * Painful large muscles that makes the patient uneasy * Slow contractions in the muscle * Painful movement * Slow gait * Awkward and ungainly way of walking * Difficulty in speaking * Enlarged tongue