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Lymphatic Filariasis

Lymphatic Filariasis Causes

The disease is caused by the thread-like parasitic filarial worms called nematode woms, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Brugia timori which are all carried and transmitted by mosquitoes.

Lymphatic Filariasis Definition

Lymphatic filariasis is a parasitic and infectious tropical disease. It is endemic in tropical areas of the world, where it was said that up to 54% of the population have microfilariae in their blood (Aupali T, Ismid IS, Wibowo H, et al. (2006). "Estimation of the prevalence of lymphatic filariasis by a pool screen PCR assay using blood spots collected on filter paper". Tran R Soc Trop Med Hyg 100 (8): 753?9).

Lymphatic Filariasis Diagnosis

Lymphatic Filariasis is diagnosed through identifying microfilaria on a Giemsa Stained thick blood film. Thus, blood test is used to detect the existence of the parasite.

Lymphatic Filariasis Symptoms and Signs

The most common signs of filiariasis includes elephantiasis or the thickening of the skin and its underlying tissues which are oftenin the lower extremities. Swelling, scarring of the legs and the groin are also the common symptoms.

Lymphatic Filariasis Treatment

Treatment for lymphatic filariasis includes administration of Albendazole and Ivermectin to kill circulating larvae and adult worms. Pressure bandages and some exercise are also encouraged to reduce the swelling. Secondary infections, on the other hand are treated through use of soap and water to clean and care the skin affected with the swelling.