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Lymphedema Causes

Lymphedema may be inherited or caused by injury to the lymphatic vessels. In some cases, it is seen after a lymph node dissection or surgery and radiation therapy which causes damage to the lymphatic system.

Lymphedema Definition

Lymphedema otherwise known as lymphatic obstruction is a condition where there is retention of localized fluid caused by an unhealthy lymphatic system. Its primary danger to a person is the constant risk of developing an uncontrolled infection in the affected limb.

Lymphedema Diagnosis

Objective measurement of the difference between the affected arm or limb and the unaffected limb is the first way of early diagnosis of the disease. Bioimpedance measurement that measure the amount of fluid in the limb has been shown to have greater sensitivity that other existing methods and hold promise as a simple diagnostic and screening tool. (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. ? Lymphatic Research and Biology ? 4(1): 51. Retrieved on 2007-11-01).

Lymphedema Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of Lymphedema includes severe fatigue, a swollen limb or localized fluid accumulation in body areas such as the head, neck, legs and arms, discoloration of the skin and eventually the deformity of the affected area.

Lymphedema Treatment

The following are the most common and accepted treatments for chronic lymphedema, to wit: Sequential Gradient Pump Therapy Compression bandaging, Complete Decongestive Therapy or CDT, therapeutic exercises, proper skin care, compression pumps, kinesio taping and other surgical techniques such as circumferential excision of the lymphedematous tissue and lympholymphatic anastomosis.