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Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Causes

It is caused by the immature lymphocytes before they becomes T and B-cells in the circulation of the blood which is called lymphoblasts.

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Definition

Lymphoblastic lymphoma is a rare medical condition that is considered as an uncommon form of aggressive Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma or NHL.

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Diagnosis

Diagnosis is done through lymph node biopsy especially if there is already enlarged nodes which can easily be accessed. It is also confirmed through series of CT Scan and Ultrasound Scans (Furie, B. 2003. Clinical Hematology and Oncology, Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment).

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Symptoms and Signs

Its symptoms include the formation of lymph nodes in the mediastinum or the central part of the chest between the lungs which is most commonly affected. Severe coughing is also manifested.

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Treatment

Treatment of the medical condition includes chemotherapy. It also includes oral medication to remove the other remaining affected cells.