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Macular Degeneration Juvenile

Macular Degeneration Juvenile Causes

Family History, macular degeneration gene, result of hypertension, high fat intake and excessive exposure to sun causes Macular degeneration juvenile.

Macular Degeneration Juvenile Definition

Macular degeneration juvenile is a medical condition which affects the center lining of the eye known as the Macula area of the retina of younger individuals. Its other term and example includes the Best's Disease, Doyne's honeycomb retinal dystrophy, Sorsby's Disease and Stargardt's Disease. It often leads to blindness (Roberts, DL (Sep 2006). "The First Year--Age Related Macular Degeneration". (Marlowe & Company).

Macular Degeneration Juvenile Diagnosis

Optical coherence tomography and Fluorescein angiography are used to diagnosed Macular degeneration juvenile.

Macular Degeneration Juvenile Symptoms and Signs

Its symptoms includes burring of the vision, shadowing or missing areas of the vision, distorted vision, trouble in discerning colors and slow recovery of visual function after exposure to bright light.

Macular Degeneration Juvenile Treatment

There is no known cure yet for Juvenile Macular Degeneration but there are additional lighting and magnifiers can help in alleviating its symptoms.