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Marcus Gunn Phenomenon

Marcus Gunn Phenomenon Causes

Almost 50% of the Marcus Gunn phenomenon cases are congenital in nature due to damage in the cranial nerve nuclei caused by an injury to the peripheral nerve.

Marcus Gunn Phenomenon Definition

Marcus Gunn phenomenon is a congenital condition where the eyelids of an infant droop but rise up when the mouth is opened. It is an autosomal dominant condition also known as Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking or Trigemino-oculomotor Synkineses. This condition is named after Marcus Gunn characterized by rhythmic upward jerking of the upper eyelid of an infant.

Marcus Gunn Phenomenon Symptoms and Signs

* Droopiness of the eyelid and brief eyelid lifting when the mouth is opened are the most remarkable manifestations of a person with Marcus Gunn phenomenon. * The wink phenomenon may be signified when opening the mouth, chewing, sucking, thrusting the jaw to the contralateral side, clenching teeth together, swallowing, or jaw protrusion. * Phenomenon is worse during down gaze. * Strabismus * Decreased vision secondary to amblyopia or lazy eye. The above-mentioned manifestations are usually noticed by parents while the baby is breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.

Marcus Gunn Phenomenon Treatment

Usual cases of Marcus Gunn phenomenon do not necessitate treatment; however severe cases may take advantage of a surgery named as bilateral levator excision and frontalis brow suspension.