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McArdle disease

McArdle disease Causes

Myophosphorylase is the muscle isoform of the glycogen enzyme called phosphorylase and what happens with victims of this disease is that a metabolic disorder prevents the sufficient production of this muscle isoform.

McArdle disease Definition

By definition MacArdle's disease is also known as Glycogen storage disease type V and is a kind of metabolic disorder that is characterized by the body's inability to produce enough of the muscle isoform called phosphorylase. Relatively recent, it was first identified in 1951 by the English physician whose name it now bears.

McArdle disease Diagnosis

Diagnosis of the diseases is also clinically based with a physical examination of patients who are asked to demonstrate certain physical tasks. Family history is also examined because the disorder tends to be hereditary. Tests include a forearm exercise test, blood samples for the detection of lactate and ammonia and a possible muscle biopsy to find specific instances of glycogen absorption.

McArdle disease Symptoms and Signs

Victims of McArdle disease experience exercise intolerance complemented with myalgia, resultant stiffness of exercising muscles, and early fatigue, which are sometimes relieved by rest. The typical cycle that a patient goes through normally starts with fatigue, then after resting, are able to recover their strength again; this is explained by the fact that at this point, the body is now using fatty acids as an energy sources for the body's muscles which explains the renewed strength. Another common symptom is a red to brownish urine which may be a sign of rhabdomyolysis which isthe breakdown of muscle tissue. This has to be avoided because myoglobinuria can damage the kidneys

McArdle disease Treatment

Since it is a metabolic disorder, the most successful treatment programs involve the proper utilization of glycogen to capitalize on the disorder's cycle. Any kind of anaerobic exercise that involves intense muscle movement must be avoided.