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Mediastinal fibrosis

Mediastinal fibrosis Causes

Mediastinal fibrosis is caused by infection from bacterial pathogens or some other atypical organisms, causing the patient's physiological compromise by bleeding, compression and systemic sepsis or any combination of these.

Mediastinal fibrosis Definition

Mediastinal fibrosis is a highly uncommon but the most extremely severe and late complication of histoplasmosis. Majority of physicians believe that mediastinal fibrosis is brought about by the abnormal immunologic response of the patient to antigens that are typically released by soil-based fungus called histoplasma capsulatum.

Mediastinal fibrosis Diagnosis

Diagnosis for mediastinal fibrosis includes CBC count, blood cultures, gram stain, chest radiographs, CT scans and MRI examinations to be able to come up with definitive diagnosis.

Mediastinal fibrosis Symptoms and Signs

Vital signs that can be associated to mediastinal fibrosis would generally show tachycardia and fever. Severe cases involved sepsis, and hypotension requiring patients' large volumes of vasopressor or crystalloid medications. Other key indicators include instability, sternal pain, local cellulities may be experienced.

Mediastinal fibrosis Treatment

A well-directed and appropriate administration of antibiotic therapy, which is usually the prolonged treatment approach for people suffering from mediastinal fibrosis. Nutritional support is also required since studies have shown that regulated diets that primarily include omega-3 fatty acids can greatly benefit majority of the critical patients with sepsis.