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Metabolic acidosis

Metabolic acidosis Causes

Causes include the following; massive rhabdomyolysis, sulfates, metformin, paraldehyde, organic acids, lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, chronic renal failure and intoxication.

Metabolic acidosis Definition

This is a process that if unchecked can lead acidemia in which blood pH is very low (less because of the increased production of H+ by the body as well as the inability of the body to form bicarbonate in the kidney.

Metabolic acidosis Diagnosis

Diagnosis can be definitely made through Arterial blood gas sampling

Metabolic acidosis Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms are not specific and unless a patient presents clear indications for arterial blood gas sampling, the disorder cannot be detected. Other symptoms may include headaches, decreased visual acuity, chest pain, palpitations, altered mental status, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, loss or increase of appetite and long tem weight loss muscle weakness as well as bone pains. There is also deep, rapid breathing called Kussmaul respirations which is indicative for those with diabetic ketoacidosis. In its extreme degree, acidemia leads to neurological as well as cardiac complications which can include stupor, coma, seizures and lethargy.

Metabolic acidosis Treatment

Normally when the pH level dips below 7.1, the situation is critical because of the possibility of cardiac arrhythmias, and in this regard the first line of treatment may be with intravenous bicarbonate which is given at 50-100 mmol at a time. However, this intervention however will not work in case of lactic acidosis. If the acidosis is exceptionally severe, a nephrology team's recommendation can be useful.