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Microcephaly Causes

Microcephaly may result in the exposure of the fetus to harmful substances while in the development stage during which the mother may be alcoholic, may have acquired German measles, or has diabetes. Patients may have also inherited the condition through their genes.

Microcephaly Definition

Microcephaly is a neurological disorder which results in an individual with a much smaller head circumference for individual's age and sex compared with the average head sizes.

Microcephaly Diagnosis

The fetus may be diagnosed for microcephaly before birth through ultrasound, which my show the disorder until the third trimester. An infant may also be diagnosed by measuring the head and compare its size with a scale that identifies normal and abnormal sizes. Older babies and children may be diagnosed based on family or medical history.

Microcephaly Symptoms and Signs

Newborns with microcephaly have distinct neurological defects and seizures. The infants commonly have varying degrees of impaired intellectual development. They have motor function disabilities that may only show later in life. The patients may have regular or small-sized heads that would subsequently stop growing even if their face continue to develop normally.

Microcephaly Treatment

Microcephaly has no specific treatment. Some patients undergo treatment based only on their symptoms while other have supportive treatment.