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Microscopic Colitis

Microscopic Colitis Causes

The cause of the condition is has not been identified. But some researchers believe that the inflammation is triggered by bacteria and their toxins or a virus. Others hypothesize that it is an autoimmune problems caused by the body's own immune system mistakenly attacking and damaging healthy cells as foreign invaders.

Microscopic Colitis Definition

Microscopic colitis refers to the colon's inflammatory conditions called collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis that are usually manifested through chronic watery diarrhea. The inflammation may occur in patches along the colon's lining in some people while in others, it manifests along the colon's entire length.

Microscopic Colitis Diagnosis

The patient's stool is cultured to rule out other infectious causes of the watery diarrhea. A specialist may be referred who performs either a colonoscopy or a flexible sigmoidoscopy rule out other conditions and make a definitive diagnosis of collagenous colitis or lymphocytic colitis. Colon biopsies may also be performed as part of the diagnostic tests. Collagenous colitis shows increased thickness of a nonelastic, protein band of connective tissue in the colon lining. Lymphocytic colitis reveals increased level of specialized white blood cells between the cells that line the large intestine.

Microscopic Colitis Symptoms and Signs

Patients usually suffer from chronic watery diarrhea, which may be frequent or intermittent. Other symptoms also include abdominal pain or cramps, abdominal bloating, modest weight loss, nausea, fecal incontinence, and dehydration.

Microscopic Colitis Treatment

Changes in lifestyle, such as food and caffeine intake, are usually recommended to alleviate the symptoms. Medications may also be recommend and in severe cases, surgery is also an option.