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Microscopic Hematuria

Microscopic Hematuria Causes

Microscopic Hematuria is a result of the blood cell leakage in the urine which may in turn be a result of certain conditions like urinary tract infection, kidney or bladder stone and enlarged prostate. Strenous exercise may also result the condition.

Microscopic Hematuria Definition

Microscopic Hematuria is a condition whereby there is blood in the urine of the person but the same is visible only through the use of microscope. Unlike gross hematuria, or that kind of hematuria where by the person may see the usual manifestation of the blood in their urine.

Microscopic Hematuria Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made through the use of Imaging tests like the CT Scan, MRI and X-rays and the use of the procedure called Cystoscopy.

Microscopic Hematuria Symptoms and Signs

Usually pain in urinating may be a symptom of the Microscopic Hematuria. Color in the urine is absent inasmuch as the blood in the urine may be seen through the microscope only.

Microscopic Hematuria Treatment

There is no particular treatment for the Microscopic Hematuria itself. However, treatment may focus more on the underlying condition which causes the Microscopic Hematuria.