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Migraine Causes

Some migraines have a genetic factor while others are acquired due to hormone organ disease or injury.

Migraine Definition

Migraine comes form the Greek word hemicrania, which literally means "half (the) head." It is a neurological syndrome that causes various symptoms during an attack.

Migraine Diagnosis

Migraine is diagnosed based on the number and frequency of attacks, the duration, the location and intensity of pain, or nausea and vomiting as well as increased sensitivity to light and noise.

Migraine Symptoms and Signs

Persons experiencing migraine feels a severe or moderate headache usually on one side of the head. It may also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and more sensitivity to bright lights and noise. Some people experience a strange light or unpleasant smell before an attack. Other types of migraine are not painful and some symptons manifest in other parts of the body.

Migraine Treatment

A warm or cold cloth is usually applied on the affected area with varying results, some feel better while others feel worse. Patients may take specific migraine drugs, which also produce different results at different times on the same patient. Persons who suffer migraines due to a patent foramen ovale, which is a hole between the upper chambers of the heart, are treated surgically. Surgery of the hole reduces the frequency of attacks. Exercise is also recommended by physicians to reduce the frequency of attacks. If migraines are not severe, sleeping is the solution.

Drugs used for treatment of Migraine

Imitrex Nasal Spray