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Migraine With Aura

Migraine With Aura Causes

Migraine with Aura is said to be causes by an electrical or chemical wave that usually moves across the visual cortex. Hormonal changes, stres and sensory stimulus are likely said to cause the condition.

Migraine With Aura Definition

Migraine with Aura is a condition whereby the person experience unusual visual sensations during or before the attack of migrain. It is characterized by the appearance of blind spots and flashes of lights.

Migraine With Aura Diagnosis

Diagnosis includes examination of family history, physical examination, eye examination by an opthalmologists and the use of CT Scan and MRI.

Migraine With Aura Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes appearance of visual disturbances like seeing zigzag lines that floats in to one's vision, blurring of the vision, scotomas or having blind spots and flashes of lights. It may also includes numbness, vertigo and speech difficulties.

Migraine With Aura Treatment

Treatment includes the administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID to alleviate the pain.