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Milia Causes

Milia is more often caused by the formation or the development of the unusual tiny skin flakes that is usually trapped or stucked in the small pockets of the surface of the infant's skin.

Milia Definition

Milia is a skin condition usually seen in infants where there are presence of tiny white goose bumps across the infant's nose and chin.

Milia Diagnosis

The presence of Milia is easily confirmed through the thorough examination of the infant's skin.

Milia Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of Milia includes the appearance of the small and white bumps on the infant's nose, chin or cheeks and even in the gums or the roof of the mouth.

Milia Treatment

Treatment includes cleaning of the baby's face, proper drying of the infant's skin and avoiding pinching that may cause infections. Creams and medication may also be prescribed.

Drugs used for treatment of Milia
