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milk Allergy

milk Allergy Causes

All food related allergies are triggered by a malfunction of the immune system. The body releases histamine to ware off the allergens which causes the symptoms associated with the allergic reactions. Among the most common mild products that trigger allergy inclu8de casein and whey. Parents are advised to consult their doctor for possible milk alternatives.

milk Allergy Definition

Milk produced by cows is among the common allergy-causing dairy product, especially among children, However, majority of the cases of mild allergy, children outgrow this condition after a few years or so. Allergic reactions usually start after a few minutes of drinking milk, with symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to severe reactions that causes serious distress.

milk Allergy Diagnosis

Diagnosis is based on the initial signs and symptoms after exposure of consumption of milk and milk products. Skin and blood tests may be conducted to confirm initial findings.

milk Allergy Symptoms and Signs

Among the common signs of milk allergy include vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing and hives. Some patients also experience abdominal cramps, skin rashes, runny nose and coughing.

milk Allergy Treatment

The best way to prevent an allergic reaction is through avoidance of milk and other milk products. For children who display severe reactions to milk, parents should always prepare medications to respond to allergic attacks to prevent anaphylactic shocks, which can provide to be quite fatal.