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Miller Fisher Syndrome

Miller Fisher Syndrome Causes

The body's immune response to foreign antigens but mistargeted to host nerve tissues instead is the cause of Miller Fisher Syndrome.

Miller Fisher Syndrome Definition

Miller Fisher Syndrome is a descending paralysis. It is the reverse variant of Guillain-Barr? syndrome. GBS exhibits an ascending paralysis from the legs spreading to the upper limbs and face with complete loss of deep tendon reflexes.

Miller Fisher Syndrome Diagnosis

Doctors diagnose the condition based on the rapid development of symptoms particularly muscle paralysis. Electromyography and nerve conduction study may be conducted to check for abnormalities, which may include prolonged distal latencies, conduction slowing, or conduction block.

Miller Fisher Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Patients experience muscle weakness that leads to paralysis with sensory or autonomic disturbances. Patients affected with Miller Fisher Syndrome experience facial weakness and abnormality in eye movement.

Miller Fisher Syndrome Treatment

The condition is treated with plasmapheresis and immunoglobulins, after which patients have supportive care. But if severe pulmonary complications and dysautonomia exist, the patient may die.